Sunday, May 17, 2015

Shapes and Patterns

Play these games at home to practice shapes and patterns:

Do these activities at home:

  • Go on a shape hunt around your home! Look for plane shapes and solid shapes.
  • Create a shape memory game!
  • Play shape I-Spy!
  • Play "Guess My Shape" by giving hints! Example: I'm thinking of a three-sided shape...
  • Create a shape rap/song and share it with the class!
  • Create a figure using shapes on the computer. Print it out and bring it to class!
  • Make a shape robot out of 2-d (drawing) or 3-d (object) shapes!
  • Create plane and solid shapes using toothpicks and mini-marshallows! Visit this site for an example:

 photo MissBennettsClassWebsiteSignature_zps325f7881.png