Sunday, January 25, 2015


Biographies teach us how peoples' actions have shaped the world in which we live! Explore the following resources for extra practice and exploration at home. As always, I would love for students to create a biography project at home. Although it is not required, students love to share their projects with the class and put their hard work on display for everyone to see!

I love the idea behind the book series, Ordinary People Change The World. Visit the website to help encourage your child to be the change and become a hero! These books and other biography books can be purchased at Barnes and Noble. If your child has a biography book at home, he/she is welcome to bring it in and temporarily add it to our biography bin.


Friday, January 9, 2015


This week we are learning all about penguins! If your child does a craft, have them bring it in to share with the class!



Sunday, January 4, 2015

Polar Bears

We are reading all about polar bears this week! If your child makes a craft, bring it in to share!

