I love the idea behind the book series, Ordinary People Change The World. Visit the website http://www.ordinarypeoplechangetheworld.com/books.php to help encourage your child to be the change and become a hero! These books and other biography books can be purchased at Barnes and Noble. If your child has a biography book at home, he/she is welcome to bring it in and temporarily add it to our biography bin.
- http://www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/GCPSMediaServices/es_bio.html (click Pebble Go, click Biographies)
- http://www.turtlediary.com/biographies.html
- http://www.ducksters.com/biography/
- http://www.wegivebooks.org/books/search?utf8=✓&search%5Btext_search%5D=biography&commit=Search (create an account, search Biography)